Thursday, March 24, 2011

Crafting Kabosh

Man, the crafting Gods really don't want me to get anything done today! Seriously, I was all crazy nervous about doing these chairs, and I finally got up the guts to start, and it was just not happening, folks. The method I wanted to use, that I used for this chair:

did NOT work for these. 
Cause of the fancy-schmacy back, I couldn't get the poster board cut quite right. So. Where does that leave us?

Now, I've never used a stapler to upholster onto a frame, it's mostly been just upholstering around a cushion, but I know that the manual ones would kill your hand in 10 seconds flat. So I borrowed an electric one from my father- in-law, who has pretty much every tool known to man, and it was MISSING A PART. GAAH! 


Don't you just HAAAAATE when you get the balls/time/all the rest of the materials to do a project and the roadblocks crop up?

Anyway. Now I am sitting on my ass, giving my unfinished chairs a death stare and grumbling. Good story, right?

I fart on staple guns.

All I want to do is put 

onto THESE

Thanks for taking this ranting journey with me. 
On the bright side, I am going to cajole my hubs into getting me sushi take out for dinner tonight! 
Sweet, sweet consolation. 

Your grumbling, sushi-eating pal, 


  1. I use a manuel stapler from Black and Decker and I love does not hurt my hand. It has a different shape than the other manuel and Decker Power Shot the staples come out the back where the pressure from your hand goes down...just my 2 cents. Good luck...I hate it when you are ready but like you said something else does not cooperate!!! Enjoy the Sushi!

  2. Thanks, Lisa! I'm going to look into that!


  3. Hahaha my favorite thing about this post is that I can picture exactly what you look and sound like saying, "All I want to do is put THIS. Onto THESE."

    Hope all is well sugarbutt! Let's talk soon!

    (I'm going to start calling you embarrassing pet names in the comments. Get excited.)

  4. umm yeah. have you seen my latest diy disaster?! lol.. hang in there!

  5. If the staples don't work try and look into upholstery glue gun. I've never used on so research it first. Also look up and see if you can find some video on upholstering cane back chairs.

  6. Really enjoying your blog! I'm a new follower:)

  7. Lol, the chairs are beautiful though! I am on the serious lookout for some "hand me downs" in that style!


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